Lightning Arrester

Now-a-Days lightning Arresters are considered as an essential part of modern electrical divices. A lightning Arrester is a safety device which protects buildings and electrical equipment from damage caused due to lightning strikes.Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan mention below
The device functions by providing a low resistance path for lighting energy to follow on the ground lightning Arresters are widely being used in residential, commercial and industrial settings as they help prevent fire breakouts, power outages and equipment and building damages.
Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan
Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan

Lightning Arrester specifications:

Alightning arrester comes alongwith many efficient features/specifications that make them crucial element of safety system.
Here is list of major specifications of lightning Arresters.
  • Energy Absorption: Energy Absorption Capacity determines the amount of energy generated by a lighting strike.
  • Response time: Response time determines the time for device to respond to lightning strike. 
  • Discharge current: Discharge current feature determines the amount of current that can be discharged during a lightning strike. 
  • Rated voltage: Rated voltage of a lightning arrester determines the amount of voltage the device can handle. 
Types of Lightning Arrester: 
following are common types of lightning arresters

Rod Gap Arrester:

This is simplest and least expensive type of lightning arrester which can be utilized for residential use, it consists of two metal rods with air gap in between which makes it’s instalment easy.
In case of lightning strike, the high voltage causes the air gap to breakdown which allows the surge to aross the gap and flow on ground. This type of lightning arrester is commonly used as back-up protection device.

Expulsion Type Arrester

An expulsion type arrester is used in medium voltage applications and is commonly used in less critical settings. the device is designed with series of air gap within a tube filled with insulation material, this tube is connected to electrical system and ground for diversion of high voltage. This system allows the surge to flow on the ground.

Valve Type Arrester

A Valve type arrester is designed to cater high voltage surge. It utilizes non-linear resisters and spark gaps to diverte the surge towardsthe ground. The risisters in the device have feature to decrease  resistance as voltage increase. Spark gaps donot conduct in normal condition and arrester remains inactive.
These devices are commonly used at sub stations and and large industries as they provide protection to equipment.

Metal Oxide Varistore (MOV) Arrestors:

The are the most commonly used type of lightning arresters. The device uses metal oxide varistore made of zink oxide. The task of varistore is to block high voltage in normal condition while to conduct during lightning surges. The work for both medium and high voltage. These arresters are commonly used in residential, power grids, industrial settings.

Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan

The price of a lightning arrester typically depends on brand, quality, features/specifications and usage of the device. The price may also fluctuate according to changes in overall market conditions. On average the price of a lightning arrester device in Pakistan ranges between PKR 5,000 to PKR 50,000.
Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan
Lightning Arrester Price in Pakistan
How does a lightning arrester function?
The function of a lightning Arrester is to divert the surge towords the ground which protects the electrical system from damage due to high voltage. In an event of lightning strike, arrester provides low resistance path for high voltage to dissipate into the ground.
Where is the ideal location to install a lightning arrester?
Usually lightning arresters are installed at entrance point of power lines of a building, these devices are installed close to electric service. For protection of transformers, lightning arresters are idealy installed on high voltage side of building.
Which type of lightning arrester is most commonly used?
The most commonly used  type of lightning arrester is  Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV). These arresters exibit high performance and efficiency by quickly diverting lightning surge to the ground. MOV arresters are used in for residential, commercial, industrial and utility purposes.
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